Courage = hard

Courage = Holds immense power

Courage = Offers incredible benefits

Courage = Hard


Despite its incredible benefits, summoning courage is undeniably difficult.


Whether it's starting a business, opening up emotionally, admitting mistakes, making tough decisions, trying new things, challenging social norms, or the widely dreaded act of stepping onto a stage to speak in front of an audience, courage is a double-edged sword. The other side of it is fear, which often takes control, making the journey to courage downright challenging!


Have you ever avoided a speech, even when you knew it could improve your public persona and career endeavors?


Facing something uncomfortable, like public speaking, is easier to avoid, procrastinate on, and sometimes choose not to take the opportunity at all.


Yet, pushing beyond our comfort zone to break through the fear barrier can feel so rewarding.


How can we muster up the courage?

Here's what you'll find here:

  1. Take Your First Step to Speaking Confidence

  2. Training Opportunities to Speaking Confidently

  3. Practice and Improve Your Speaking - Sign Up for “The Practice Circle”

01. Take Your First Step to Speaking Confidence

Taking that first step may be your hardest, but it’s also an important action because it gets you beyond the first huge hurdle and gives you momentum.


I was reminded of this when I battled the paralyzing fear of rejection when cold-messaging potential leads. 


The self-deprecating thoughts and anxiety were overwhelming, and initially, I chose hesitation over courage. Eventually, I sent out just one pitch, which, to my surprise, provided relief. I immediately sent another 10, my momentum quickened, and I felt empowered to keep going, eventually sending out 50.


That's either 50 potential leads or 50 people who might ignore me. Either way, I took a step forward, and that brought me relief. So, whatever happens, the outcome is that I feel better.



Similarly, taking the initial public speaking step can remove the push-back and open up opportunities.


Here’s why,


It unleashes your untapped potential.


This applies to us all. All successful speakers were once novices who dared to take that pivotal first step. Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, and Tony Robbins, to name a few notables, faced rejection and numerous unsuccessful attempts, yet still persevered before becoming widely successful. - They took that “first step” and kept going.


This process also initiates a profound ripple effect on your emotions and thoughts, guiding you through initial nervousness to discover you might have a voice that you enjoy using.


Regardless of size or audience, each speech, a step in itself, also contributes to the gradual construction of confidence, making you more resilient and assured in expressing your ideas.


Fear of judgment can be paralyzing, but taking the first step helps you confront and conquer it.


As you speak more, you become less concerned about what others think and more focused on delivering your message.


Still hesitant? Consider the worst-case scenario.


Consider the consequences of your first action (step).  Assess whether it’s as bad as what you fear will happen.  Usually, the worst-case scenario is no more than a learning opportunity – helping you understand what not to do and perhaps what you can try differently the next time.


Don’t wait for the perfect moment.


Take that first step, and let it propel you towards a future where confident, impactful communication becomes second nature.


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill


Get out of your head


Make them feel special