1:1 Speech Prep Coaching

Master Your Nerves and Perfect Your Next Speech with Personalized 1:1 Coaching

Whether you're gearing up for an upcoming speech or presentation or simply aiming to enhance your overall communication style, our 1:1 Prepare for a Speech Private Coaching Package is tailored to meet your unique needs.


Tailored Approach

In our coaching sessions, the focus is on you. You receive guidance that aligns with your specific goals, ensuring a coaching experience that maximizes your potential.

Expert Guidance

You benefit from the expertise of a seasoned coach who brings a wealth of experience in public speaking.

Program Covers

We cover everything from content creation and impactful delivery techniques to handling nerves, engaging the audience effectively, and managing challenging Q&A sessions.

What You Will Learn


Speech Development Ingredients

Learn the ingredients to develop your speech with a proven formula, ensuring your confidence and the audience's engagement from start to finish. Once the foundation is laid, learn how to bring in your personality, invite spontaneity, and bring in the fun that brightens the room's energy and motivates your audience.


Clarity on Procrastination to Inspired Action

Address the truth of your procrastination. Get super clear on what’s making you feel stuck and overwhelmed. Through acceptance and awareness, move through the noise and transform the feeling into positive energy.


Methods to Calm Your Nerves

Drain the tank and get to know the neurological reason for jitters. Once you know the human machine and why it’s prone to fight or flight before public speaking, you will better drive the vehicle. Learn skills to calm the nerves and sharpen focus, a technique you can take with you as an essential skill for life whether you are faced with pre-stage anxiety or any reactive-inducing.


Shift from Perfectionism to Impactful Content Creation

You will be guided in prioritizing overall impact over minute details, empowering you to create compelling speeches without getting lost in perfectionism. 

Feel Familiar?

  • You feel stuck. You have a speech coming up, and you KNOW you should prepare for it, but you can’t move forward. You feel overwhelmed, unsure where and how to start. You feel more stressed with each passing day of not making progress.

  • You strive for perfection, obsessing over minor details and spending excessive time fine-tuning small elements of your speech rather than focusing on the overall impact.

  • You sometimes talk too much when “on the stage,” trying to overexplain and going off-topic, confusing and boring your audience.

  • You HAVE prepared for your speech, and although the nerves still creep in leading up to the event, you feel as prepared as possible. But then, as it typically does for you, your fight or flight response kicks in just before you “step on the stage” or speak, preventing you from delivering the way you’d practiced and envisioned. Your brain feels foggy and frozen; you suddenly realize you can’t remember your opening.

  • You don’t know how to become eloquent, poised, direct, and memorable; you're not sure what ingredients make all these things come together.

Feel Familiar?

Imagine the freedom of expressing your ideas boldly, unhindered by any barriers. Picture yourself effortlessly embracing opportunities to shine without doubts or insecurities clouding your mind. Our program aims to guide you from apprehension to a stress-free state of assured confidence.

Fear will no longer hold you back. Instead, you’ll exude confidence and ease, knowing with certainty, “I can do it.” When the moment to shine arrives, you’ll embrace it without hesitation.

Get the Results

Develop a masterful speech with all the ingredients that make a speech pop.

  • Feel so prepared that you feel excited to present.

  • Eagerly anticipate your upcoming speech and be confident about its impact.

  • Walk away confident that you gave a solid speech and develop new public speaking skills you can take with you.

  • Feel empowered by the potential of your speech to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

  • Apply all the right delivery tools that work for you to convey your message effectively.

  • Handle the Q&A with poised confidence. You either have an answer or don’t, but you’re ready and don’t feel emotional about the outcome.

Feel Prepared to Nail Your Speech

Feel Prepared to Nail Your Speech

Ways We Can Help

Your training aims to achieve your vision and refine your content, delivery, and overall performance.

Initial Discussion and Goal Setting: We start with an in-depth discussion to understand your objectives, target audience, and purpose. Together, we identify your strengths, weaknesses, and specific concerns. We then set clear, achievable goals for your speech.

Speech Structure and Content: We structure your speech with a compelling opening, a well-developed body, and a memorable conclusion. We then organize your key points logically, using stories, examples, and statistics to engage your audience.

Delivery Methods and Style: We develop methods for delivering a powerful, concise message aligned with your goals. We maximize your delivery style, including body language, vocal variety, pace, and tone.

Practice and Feedback: We conduct practice sessions to provide constructive feedback, focusing on areas for improvement while reinforcing your strengths. We refine your visual aids and integrate them effectively if applicable.

Anxiety Management and Final Review: We address any anxiety or nervousness you may have about public speaking. You’ll practice techniques and exercises to manage stress. After your speech, we evaluate your performance and audience reception to learn valuable lessons.

Our Focus

Your Confidence & Nerves

We’ll work on methods to help you think more clearly and come across as confident, sincere, and engaging. You'll develop techniques to manage pre-speech nerves, ensuring you feel calm, composed, and ready to deliver your speech with poise and assurance.

Natural Energy

You will learn ways to stand and move, including what to do with your hands and how to control your vocal energy with volume, inflection, momentum, and pace. You will learn to look and sound more natural, credible, and interesting.

Enhanced Speech Clarity and Impact

You will gain the ability to craft speeches that are clear, impactful, and resonate deeply with your audience. Your coach will guide you in structuring content that captures attention, conveys your message effectively, and leaves a lasting impact on your listeners.

Organize Your Message

Learn simple and effective structures that best fit the purpose, audience, message, and action, using formulas that apply logic to the flow of information.

Engagement and Influence

You will how to persuade your audience. Learn to craft speeches with a compelling narrative, captivating storytelling, and persuasive arguments, ensuring your message resonates with your listeners.

Delivery Refinement

The easiest and best methods of blending the message content with physical presence and vocal skills so you will feel and come across as confident and competent. Mastering body language, tone modulation, and speech pacing.

Our Clients

Buy a Session

Single Session

Do you need some quick brushing up to refine and polish your speech, a one-time, “last-minute” help session, or a dress rehearsal? Or are you not sure of your needs but prefer to start with one session before deciding on additional training? Then a single, one-hour private coaching session is for you.

Single Session: $225

Pack of Three

Over three 1-hour Zoom sessions, we can get laser-focused on your speaking skills development.  You will receive training specific to your needs.

Pack of Three: $600

Speech Prep Coaching Intensive

  • Four one-hour coaching sessions per month via Zoom.

  • Notes and homework assignments to work on between sessions.

  • Feedback and tools to address areas for improvement.

  • Video recordings of your rehearsals.

  • A copy of the book, “You Got This; Everything You Need to Master Authentic Public Speaking”

  • Unlimited support between sessions through email and phone.

  • Unlimited access to personalized and private AI-Coach with Yoodli, for immediate real-time and recorded speech insights.

All Packages Include

Prepare for a speech or improve your public speaking skills in this monthly intensive coaching program. We meet once weekly and you have unlimited support between sessions.

  • 1-month commitment: $900/month

  • 3-month commitment: $800/month

About Your Coach

Lisa Kleiman

Lisa Kleiman, founder of Speaktopia, brings over two decades of expertise in strengthening effective communication skills. With a fervent dedication to fostering clarity, confidence, and authenticity in written and oral communication, Lisa has coached diverse professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs worldwide. Her wealth of experience spans Fortune 500 management roles and more than 15 years as a faculty member at Boise State University, teaching business communication. An author of bestsellers like "You Got This: Everything You Need to Master Authentic Public Speaking," Lisa holds multiple degrees, including an Education Specialist degree in adult and organizational learning and leadership, embodying her commitment to empowering others in communication. Based in San Diego, California, she resides with her husband of 34 years.


  • The best way to improve public speaking skills is to practice and have a series of successes. You can learn from watching, studying, and writing, but the best way to improve is to do it. It’s like learning to play a musical instrument or a new sport; you can only improve by practicing and experiencing the successes and challenges.

  • Yes, we provide in-house/onsite training. Training can be tailored to your company’s specific needs.

  • Your speaking coach works with you to develop a tailored development plan that will help you become a confident and authentic speaker. You will leave every professional speaking coaching session with tools, techniques, and frameworks you can use immediately.

    Our sessions are typically 60 minutes on Zoom or another similar platform and can be done face-to-face (travel costs may apply - contact us for more details).  We offer package and repeat customer discounts.

  • Our coaching sessions are 100% focused on getting you prepared and feeling confident for your upcoming speech. Typically, the first session starts with assessing needs/gaps and then moves into the priority areas for the rest of the session. You might work on developing your messaging, conquering fear by practicing anxiety management strategies and practicing delivery skills by getting real-time feedback on your executive presence. You’ll leave each session with tools you can use to reinforce core concepts and keep growing between sessions. We’ll work on what you need to ensure you shine during your big event.

  • How much and how fast you improve is up to you. A coach is like a personal trainer: we teach you the exercises you need to reach your goals, but it’s your job to put these strategies into practice. If you are dedicated to the process, you can expect real improvements in a few sessions.

  • No. Speaktopia’s public speaking coaching sessions are completely personalized to your goals and experience. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a seasoned presenter, we’ll ensure that you progress to the next stage with each session—wherever you are in your public speaking journey.

Freedom to
Speak Boldly.

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