Scary death trap…

I’ve been mountain biking since I was a kid. 


Several decades later, I still love it.


And fear it.


Nothing quite beats the thrill and adrenaline boost of flying down a picturesque trail, teetering on the edge of control.  It’s a dance with gravity and nature, where the heart races, the rider’s confidence is steadfast, and the soul is set free.


But then there is the uphill climb—that slow slog requiring every ounce of energy – mentally and, of course, physically.  My thighs burn.  My back hurts. My mind argues with itself, deciding whether to continue or abort.


And the downhill can feel like a scary death trap. I fear I might die at every turn and obstacle that meets my front tire.


Is it worth it?


And how does this compare to public speaking?


Turns out – quite a bit.


Mountain biking and public speaking are high-energy pursuits. These two seemingly unrelated activities share essential attributes. Just as a cyclist might feel anxious when approaching a steep hill, a public speaker can experience nervousness before addressing an audience. And here’s the kicker: Both trigger a similar adrenaline rush – our shining star for this issue.


Adrenaline can be a friend or foe. Too much of it can be harmful. But just the right amount, well, can be helpful.  That is why you’ll want to try 



It includes the perfect blend of ingredients to boost your training and performance. 


Check it out!

Here's what you'll find here:

  1. The ADRENALINE Recipe

  2. Your Weekly Tip

  3. Get Your Adrenaline

01. The ADRENALINE Recipe

Start your next public speaking event with a shot of adrenaline.


Actually, you can’t “take” it; adrenaline happens whether we want it or not. But be glad for it.


Adrenaline is like a superpower for sports and public speaking. It gets your heart racing and sends energy to your muscles, making you faster and stronger. It also sharpens your focus and helps you react quickly, which is essential in sports. When you are about to give a big speech, adrenaline responds to the task, quickly giving you a burst of energy to help you speak confidently and enthusiastically. It also sharpens your concentration and helps you respond quickly to questions or unexpected situations, essential in public speaking. The adrenaline experience is your body's way of saying, "Let's do this!"


Too much of anything, including adrenaline, can be harmful, so you should consider its best blend using,




You’ll need these ingredients:

  • Adrenaline – You’ll know if you have it available. You’ll have a rapid heartbeat, heightened awareness, dilated pupils, shallow, rapid breathing, tingling sensations in your fingers and toes, and perhaps feelings of "butterflies in the stomach," and you might feel anxious, excited, or fearful.

  • Speaking platform – formal speech, a video recording for YouTube, phone call with a client, project update at a business meeting, job interview, talking to your camera for Instagram stories (you get the idea).

Then, follow these steps:


Step 1: Acknowledge the Adrenaline Rush. Feeling this ingredient? Great! You’ll need this to enhance your performance. Now move on to step 2.


Step 2: Get in the Zone.  Focus on energizing yourself in the zone. Picture it like gearing up for an exhilarating roller coaster ride. You’ll feel your excitement build as you anticipate the event. Just don’t overdo it – take a few deep, calming breaths to keep the heart from racing.


Step 3: Visualize Rapidly. This technique uses the power of your imagination to channel adrenaline into a positive mindset. Mentally rehearse a successful speech. This will help you redirect the energy from adrenaline to how you want to be – i.e., confident and engaging.


Step 4: Use the Extra Boost.  Adrenaline is like a sudden burst of energy, so make it work for you. Tap into this wonderful source to captivate your audience.  Move around, open your arms out wide, stand tall, smile, speak with enthusiasm, walk the stage, and so on. You’ll need to release any pent-up energy anyway, so why not apply it effectively to your stage presence?


Step 5: Connect with the Audience. The adrenaline buzz sharpens your focus. Use that laser-like concentration to connect with your audience. Make eye contact, flash a smile, and focus on the audience - (which helps you forget about yourself - being all nervous and such) to make every person feel like you're speaking directly to them.


Add-ins: Occasionally, adrenaline may make you a tad jittery – no biggie. It's like adding a dash of spice to your speech. Embrace the excitement, and don't let it throw you off course. Add fun to your recipe. Public speaking is an adventure; let adrenaline infuse your speech with excitement.


Yeah…You Got This!

02. Your Weekly Tip

Boost your public speaking skills by treating each speech like a thrilling mountain bike ride: embrace the adrenaline, stay in control, and enjoy the exhilarating journey to success!


How to actually calm the nerves


The nerves just won’t stop…