Storytelling Practice: Fun, Confidence-Boosting Exercise

Storytelling Practice

I have something incredibly easy for you, something you do every day...

Let's say you just had an amazing trip to the beach. The next day, you meet a friend for coffee who asks you about your trip. Instantly, you light up, smile, and descriptively share the highlights. You paint a vivid picture, allowing them to experience it through your eyes, and impress them by showing how great your life is. Often, we overcomplicate public speaking because we're afraid we're not good enough. However, the best speeches happen when the speaker is calm and down-to-earth and makes you feel like they're speaking directly to you, as if you're having coffee together. Practice this relaxed approach of being yourself, talking to someone you know...

Think of something enjoyable you recently experienced – a walk, bike ride, dinner with friends, watching a pet do something silly, etc. Then, practice describing it out loud for about 30 seconds. You can do this alone or with someone (or your pet) – there are no rules except to smile as you tell the story. Take note of how you felt during and after. Was it easy? Are you still smiling?


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