Boring speeches are the worst

Ever listen to a “boring” speech and consider why?


Perhaps the speaker spoke in a monotone voice and seemed bored with the topic.


Or…. The topic was uninteresting to you.


A simple fix would be two-fold:


The speaker loved the topic and expressed it passionately.

You wanted to learn more about the topic.


A common mistake that speakers often make is approaching their speech solely from their perspective or interest, adding power to their ego - making the experience mostly, if not all, about them.


And this may work. Their speech can be well received if it aligns with the audience's interests.


But, of course, it might not work if the audience dislikes the presentation.


What if, as a public speaker, you gave what your audience wanted because they asked for it?


How do you figure out what your audience wants to hear?


We’ll tell you how.

Here's what you'll find here:


  1. Let the Audience Decide Your Topic

  2. How to Know What Your Audience Wants

  3. Your Poem of the Week

01. Let the Audience Decide Your Topic

The key word here is “want.”


Find out what your audience wants and then focus your message on that.


This may not be the same as what they “need.”


You may have a harder sell if you focus on fulfilling their need, even if they understand why.

For example, your audience may want a piece of chocolate cake but need healthier food options. Show them a delicious-looking chocolate cake, and you’ll have their attention. Show them carrots and tell them it's good for them – eh – they may or may not indulge. Perhaps after their tummy hurts from eating too much cake, then you might have better success at acceptance about showcasing healthier food options.


Let’s look at this from another angle. You inform staff about upcoming budget cuts due to financial constraints.


How you approach this messaging is vital.


Employees may not warmly accept this news, fearing potential layoffs, reduced benefits, or decreased resources that make their jobs more challenging.


However, employees’ ears may perk up when they realize that a portion of the savings will be used to support their wants: career growth, work-life balance, financial well-being, and job satisfaction with offers of performance-based incentives and flexible work arrangements.


How do you find out what they WANT?  Read on.

02. How to Know What Your Audience Wants

You could…


1️⃣ Do you already know your audience? - easy peasy. Message, call, or visit in person and ask them directly. Be specific though, to ensure you get what you need. If you send written questions, make sure it’s easy for your audience to respond.


2️⃣ You could use surveys and polls. Giving a webinar? Use the webinar platform's polling feature to create a poll with questions related to the information you seek. Consider allowing anonymous responses. 


3️⃣ Do you want to get information from a random sampling of your target group, but are unsure how? Consider hiring an outside party, who specializes in this field, such as professional associations related to market research, data collection, and surveying.


4️⃣ Analyze customer satisfaction data – where and why are they unhappy and happy?


5️⃣Review website traffic, user interactions, and click-through rates to gain insights into what your audience is interested in and what content they engage with the most.


6️⃣ Pour through social media posts related to your topic. Again – what are people reporting about what they like, dislike, want, and perhaps…need? Check out Reddit and Twitter for unfiltered opinions.


Then – armed with key knowledge about your audience’s wants- plan and deliver your message.  Add in some spice, enthusiasm, clarity, and a clear call to action as needed, and you’ll have your audience’s likely full attention, even if the delivery isn’t …perfect. 😊

03. Your Poem of the Week

Listen with purpose, serve what they seek, 

In this age of choice, we control what we keep. 

Let's be clever, not assume, but inquire, 

Give them what they crave; set their hearts on fire. 

A speech that fulfills never leaves them snoring, 

Speak what they desire; make it truly inspiring.


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