Iffirmations are your new go to

Say this statement out loud three times:


“I AM a great speaker. I LOVE Public Speaking. I am SO good at it.”


Now, answer these questions:


Does this statement resonate with you? How true does this feel to you on a 0-100% scale?


If it’s 100%, maybe you should be writing my newsletters for me. It’s not 100% for me.


How do I know this? I also completed this assessment.


I might give myself a high score after just nailing (or at least feeling positive about) a speaking event. But I wouldn't give myself an across-the-board high rating.  …What if I was asked to speak in a situation beyond my comfort zone? Hypothetically, if I was asked to replace OPRAH because she suddenly fell ill and I was randomly selected to go in front of the crowd and let them know she was sick and I would be filling in… Yeah, I’m not 100% sure I would believe I would LOVE that moment and feel SO GOOD AT IT.


What if I told myself I would be great anyway… even though I don’t feel it?


Sounds great in theory, but I can’t effectively lie to myself. My fight or flight response kicks in, and I experience that dreaded anxiety response.


Instead of trying to beat an affirmation into my head unsuccessfully… What if there was another process that could work…

Here's what you'll find here: 

  1. The Truth Behind Affirmations – Do They Work?

  2. Try On Some “Iffirmations"

  3. November SALE: 50% Off Our Feature On-Demand Course, “On the Spot! Impromptu Speaking on Anything, Anywhere”

01. The Truth Behind Affirmations - Do They Work?

While a popular tool for personal growth and self-improvement, affirmations don't always yield the desired results when conquering the fear of public speaking. Public speaking anxiety often runs deep, rooted in subconscious fears and insecurities that go beyond surface-level positive declarations. Repeating phrases like "I am a confident speaker" may feel superficial and insincere, failing to address the underlying issues causing the fear. In some cases, affirmations can exacerbate the problem by highlighting the stark contrast between one's perceived inadequacy and the idealized confident self. To overcome your fear of public speaking, and if affirmations don’t work for you, consider exploring strategies encompassing mindset shifts, practical skills development, and constructive self-reflection.

02. Try On Some “Iffirmations”

Don’t get trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and limiting beliefs that hinder your public speaking confidence. Instead, focus on constructive thinking – thoughts about how you can improve and why. Here are a few to get you started.


Fill in the blanks below to create personalized “iffirmations” that inspire and motivate you to become a more confident and effective public speaker.

  • If I love and believe in my topic, I can step onto the stage with excitement and determination. I will ___________(describe your action – i.e., I will choose a topic that I am passionate about).

  • If I know my topic will benefit others, I will feel confident sharing that information with them. I will ___________ (describe your action – i.e., I will understand how and why my message benefits the audience).

  • If I recognize that my voice is a powerful tool and use it effectively, I can convey my message convincingly. I will ___________ (describe your action).

  • If I embrace my unique qualities, including my individuality, it makes me a compelling speaker. I will ___________ (describe your action).


Speak through your eyes


Boring speeches are the worst