I turned 60…

This year has marked a milestone in my life – I turned 60! Yes, the big 6...0...! It's intriguing how age is merely a number, and its significance varies depending on our perspective. While my 90+-year-old father considers 60 as young, those under 50 might perceive it as incredibly old. Nevertheless, this is where I find myself.


As I embrace this new decade, I am reminded of the importance of "letting go," a mantra I have been working on, especially in recent years. The fear of judgment often weighed heavily on my mind, particularly in spontaneous speaking situations. I worried about saying the "wrong thing", bothering my audience, or failing to portray myself as the smart, witty, and confident person I aspired to be. Ultimately, the fear of not being liked held me back.


It resulted in my remaining silent during business meetings, even when I had something important to share, and avoiding formal speaking situations altogether.


While focusing on the mantra "letting go" did not yield instant miracles, I can sense a shift occurring as I begin to take it more seriously. I have noticed that I feel excited to speak, regardless of the number of people in the room, and it feels incredibly freeing. All I can say now is... start sooner.


It may feel 'iffy' at first relying on a mantra, but if you approach it with strong intention, you will create new neural pathways, and your mind and body will begin to believe in your mantra. It's easier to stay dedicated when you know the outcomes that come from public speaking are more opportunities, respect and impact. So just let go! It’s so much better on the other side.


That's why I'm excited to center this newsletter around the art of impromptu speaking. The connection between impromptu speaking and letting go becomes clear when we realize many people experience anxiety when speaking spontaneously, particularly in important situations like well answering an unexpected question during an interview for a job you really want or spontaneously toasting a colleague whom you’ve known, admired, and work with for years at a retirement party. We can transform this fear to speak confidently and authentically by embracing the power of letting go. In this issue, you'll find helpful tips on impromptu speaking.


Don't miss the "Fun Fact" section, exploring how aging improves impromptu speaking skills. And here's the best part: you don't have to wait until you're "old" to improve your impromptu skills. Discover more about this in this issue.


So, let's embark on this journey with courage and audacity, embracing the power of letting go and finding our voice.


Enjoy this issue to the fullest!

Here's what you'll find here:

  1. FUN, Fear Busting, and Confidence-Boosting Exercise: Befriend Your Brain

  2. Fearlessly Speaking Facts: Aging helps improve your impromptu speaking skills!

  3. Public Speaking Tips You Have to Know

  4. Simple Public Speaking Hacks

  5. Your Weekly/Daily Speaking Mantra

  6. Featured Update

01. Fun, Fear Busting and Confidence-Boosting Exercise: Befriend Your Brain!

The main obstacle to public speaking is the belief ingrained by your brain that it's a daunting task, accompanied by the fear of your mind failing when you speak to an audience. But what if you befriended your brain and guided it towards an easier path?


With 50,000-70,000 thoughts occurring daily, you possess a wealth of insights. As the prolific thinker that you are, First name / Valued Subscriber, you need not fear expressing your thoughts openly. To prove to your brain that speaking on a topic is effortless, practice the following two exercises. You will train your brain for spontaneous responses and strengthen your neural pathways' resilience. Your brain will thank you, reducing its resistance in future impromptu speaking situations (:

  1. Random Word Association: Pick a random word, such as "courage," "technology," or "adventure." Give yourself 30 seconds to think, then deliver a 1-minute speech (set a timer) connecting that word to a personal experience or sharing your thoughts on its significance.

  2. Personal Reflection: Select a thought-provoking question or statement, such as "What does success mean to me?" or "The importance of resilience." Give yourself a few seconds to gather your thoughts, and then deliver a 1-minute impromptu speech expressing your viewpoint and supporting it with personal examples or insights.

 Adapt these exercises or create your own based on your interests and areas of focus. Don't worry about perfection; focus on building confidence, improving your speaking skills, and enjoying the process of impromptu speaking. Try recording yourself and assessing the results. 

02. Fearless Speaking Facts: Aging helps improve your impromptu speaking skills!

Coming of age, developing wrinkle lines, and growing older are gifts for public speaking. How? Through our own hero's journey, we gain empathy, the key to connecting with the audience.  If we want our audience to truly hear our message, they need to feel seen and spoken to. Here are five ways to infuse empathy into your speeches:

  1. Personal Stories: Share relatable anecdotes to connect genuinely with the audience.

  2. Active Listening: Validate emotions and concerns by actively listening and reflecting.

  3. Use Inclusive Language: Incorporating inclusive language ensures everyone feels valued and respected.

  4. Address Common Challenges: Demonstrate empathy and support by acknowledging and tackling common audience challenges.

  5. Non-Verbal Communication: Enhance the emotional connection with attentive non-verbal cues like eye contact and appropriate gestures.

03.  Public Speaking Tips You Have to Know


While impromptu speaking implies speaking on the spur of the moment, you can still prepare. Engaging in regular practice and expanding your general knowledge will equip you with the tools to think quickly and articulate your thoughts effectively. Try preparing in these three ways:

  1. Practice active mindfulness techniques like deep breathing exercises and meditation to stay focused and calm your mind.

  2. Learn about the subject you may speak impromptu about, researching current events, industry trends, and relevant subjects beforehand.

  3. Embrace positive thinking, affirm your abilities as a communicator, and visualize yourself confidently delivering impromptu speeches with optimism and self-assurance.

04. Simple Public Speaking Hacks



Embracing silence in impromptu speaking gives you a moment to compose yourself and adds emphasis and draws attention to your words, making your speech more effective and memorable. Use those brief pauses to your advantage, allowing yourself time to think and speak more deliberately.

05. Your Weekly/Daily Speaking Mantra

Give this thought out for a try. Repeat it 5 times daily before giving a speech, and then remind yourself of this just before you speak:


"Embrace the moment, trust my voice, and conquer the unexpected."


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