The Practice Circle

Join our Practice Circle online 60-minute workshops.

Practice speaking in supportive small breakout groups. Benefit from a practical and interactive class and receive results immediately.

The Overview

Refine a Skill Each Week

Dozens of structures and techniques to use in presentations, meetings, and important conversations. Integrate the concepts into habits in your life.

Practice Immediately with Others

Forget taking notes the whole time—theory is not enough. Try new skills in small, supportive groups with professionals like you so you're ready in front of co-workers, clients, and strangers.

Get Real-Time Feedfack from an Expert Coach

Our experienced facilitators provide guidance, feedback, and support to help you build confidence, develop your speaking style, and refine your message.

What You Get


Stimulating activities and role-play exercises.


Practice speaking in a low-pressure, supportive environment in small groups of 3 - 5 people receiving feedback to address your specific issues.


Benefit from peer involvement and feedback. Experience the power of the group in a fun, safe, and dynamic learning environment.


The sessions are ongoing, with a mix of beginning and advanced students. Attend one or more sessions (see package discount). 


Themed topics. Each session addresses a different skill set, with varying practice exercises.


Improve your speaking skills for important work situations.

  • Articulate your ideas on the spot. 

  • Speak at a strategic level when communicating cross-functionally. 

  • Provide powerful project updates. 

  • Control your body language for influence and authority. 

  • Tell business-relevant stories to make a point. 

  • and much more...

Integrate Powerful Public Speaking Habits Into Your Life

Incorporate impactful habits into your daily routine through regular speaking practice within a group setting. Group sessions provide a dynamic environment to refine communication skills, receive constructive feedback, and gain confidence. Embrace the journey of continuous improvement as you share your ideas, connect with others, and hone the craft of public speaking through consistent group practice.

Real growth and transformation happen when we step outside our comfort zones.

  • Practicing public speaking skills is not just about learning techniques or rules.

  • It's about unlocking the power of our voices and unleashing our potential as communicators and leaders.

  • Through practice, we learn to connect with our audience.

  • We learn to convey our message through body language and tone effectively.

  • We learn to adapt our approach to different situations and audiences.

  • Practicing helps us become confident, authentic, and engaging speakers.

  • We can inspire and influence others through effective public speaking.

  • Seeking opportunities to practice and receive feedback is essential for growth.

  • Embrace the challenge and watch as you transform into a powerful, confident, and impactful speaker.

Feel Familiar?

You’ve tried other public speaking training methods and found the content useful, but you don’t feel confident applying what you’ve learned in a real-world setting without sufficient practice.


You want to supplement your training with practice but are unsure where and how to go about it.


You want to improve public speaking, but it doesn’t work on your own.


You are ready to commit to improving your public speaking, but you haven’t had a place to go for concentrated focus.


The Practice Circle Helps You…


Build Confidence

Speaking in front of others, including strangers, can be intimidating, but doing it regularly can help you build confidence in your abilities. As you receive feedback and improve your skills, you'll feel more comfortable and self-assured when speaking in front of others.


Receive Valuable Feedback

Strangers can offer unbiased feedback on your speaking skills, which can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.


Enhance Communication Skills

Speaking to peers and strangers can help you learn how to communicate more effectively and succinctly. It can also help you develop active listening skills, which are important in any conversation.


Adapt to Different Audiences

Speaking to strangers means encountering people with different backgrounds, experiences, and communication styles. This can help you develop the ability to adapt to different audiences and tailor your message to meet their needs.


Build Community

Practicing public speaking in a group can build community and camaraderie. Individuals can form bonds with others who share similar experiences and challenges, creating a supportive and empowering environment..


Increase Accountability

Group practice sessions increase accountability and motivation. When individuals commit to practicing in a group, they are more likely to follow through and make progress in their public speaking skills.

What You Get

Instruction & Exercises

Themed Instruction from a trained facilitator. Exercises, self and peer evaluations, templates, and more!

Breakout Groups

Guided speaking practice in small breakout groups of 3-5 people. 


Constructive feedback that applies to you.

Speak Fearlessly

Speak Fearlessly

Small Group Program

Join our four-week, four-session programs. Limited to 15 participants for personalized attention.


Private Corporate Group

We offer private online Practice Circles in organizations to help employees improve their speaking skills. These 4-week programs are tailored to organizational challenges, needs, and goals.

(Price includes 15 participants)



  • These workshops provide a structured and supportive environment that allows participants to practice their public speaking skills in front of others and receive constructive feedback.

  • Anyone who wants to improve their public speaking skills can benefit from beginners to experienced speakers.

  • A typical workshop will include a combination of instruction, practice, and feedback. You'll learn techniques for improving delivery, structuring your speech, and connecting with your audience. You'll also practice your skills in small breakout sessions of up to five learners and receive feedback from your peers and the facilitator.

  • Yes, but most workshops will start with short warm-up exercises to help you get comfortable speaking in front of others. As you progress, you'll be given more opportunities to practice your skills in a supportive environment.

  • It's natural to feel nervous, but the workshop is designed to be a supportive environment where you can practice without fear of judgment. The facilitator and other participants will provide constructive feedback to help you improve.

  • Practice circles are 60 minutes on Zoom.

  • No! The practice circles are open to anyone. Benefit from practicing with various audience types, which helps you strengthen your speaking skills for any audience and setting!

  • Yes! We can set up practice circle workshops exclusively for your group. Contact us for details.

Our Clients

Freedom to
Speak Boldly

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Ready to Practice?

Practicing public speaking skills with others is invaluable as it allows for feedback and constructive criticism, helping you refine your delivery and gain confidence.

Join the Practice Circle