Finding meaning in the mundane

A man and a woman are walking in the park. 


Suddenly, the woman looks up and sees a bluebird fly to her left.


She immediately takes a deep breath, and points to the bird as she loudly and enthusiastically says, “Look! A blue bird.” 


The man looks to where she’s pointing, catching a glimpse of the beautiful bird before it flies off, out of sight.


They both feel happy.  


The women experienced something exciting and shared that excitement.


This is how public speaking should feel.


Not a burden.


Not something to be feared.


Not something to lose sleep over.


It should feel exciting because you can’t wait to share.


Want to know how?  It’s all here.


01. Finding Meaning When Speaking About the Mundane


Juicy gossip can be hard to hold in – it’s so good that you feel compelled to share it. You don’t think about writing a script, being nervous, and practicing your delivery.


You just…share it…with passion.


Passion is the fuel that drives us forward, the spark that ignites our actions. Yet, there are times when passion seems elusive, especially when speaking about topics you consider uninteresting and mundane, and that might not inspire excitement in everyone.

If only we had a straightforward "on" button to instantly spark enthusiasm for our topic.  But we don't. 


Fortunately, there is a way.


You don't have to love the topic, but you can change your perspective about it to understand it's importance.


Here's how:


Find the Why


Understand why the topic is important. What impact does it have, and why must the audience receive it?


Offer Practical Solutions


Provide concrete solutions, strategies, or actionable steps your audience can implement. Whether overcoming challenges, achieving goals, or improving skills, you’ll feel inspired knowing you can help guide them.


Connect With Your Values


Identify how the task aligns with your core values and beliefs. This might take some digging; give it a try. When our actions align with our values, we feel a greater sense of purpose and passion.


Put Yourself in Their Shoes


Empathize with the audience by putting yourself in their shoes and considering their perspective. What are their priorities, goals, fears, and aspirations? By adopting their viewpoint, you can better understand why the message you must deliver is relevant and important to them.


Define the Value Proposition


Clearly articulate the value proposition of your message from the audience's perspective. How will receiving this message benefit them? Will it help them solve a problem, achieve a goal, gain new insights, or somehow improve their lives? Understanding the potential benefits for the audience helps to justify why they need to receive your message.


Change Your Perspective


Sometimes, it's not the task or topic that is boring, but our perspective on it. Try approaching the task from a different angle or finding new ways to make it more engaging and enjoyable.


Find the Hidden Gems


Even in the most mundane tasks, there are often hidden opportunities for growth and learning. Look for these hidden gems and use them to share with your audience.


The bottom line?  You don’t have to LOVE your topic necessarily, but you won’t hold back telling others about it if you believe it benefits them.  


Remind yourself of this.


“I have an opportunity to share information that benefits my audience”.


I'm just going to come back another day…


Just be honest